About Me

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Some people say I am a very intense person at times. I feel very strongly about saving the lives of the unborn and witnessing to the youth. I have been writing songs since I was 12. God began filling my heart with songs since 2000 and I have been writing and sharing these songs of faith, hope and love with others ever since. I am very family oriented and have been blessed with 5 siblings, 2 children, 2 grandchildren, 4 Nephews, 3 Nieces and lots of Aunts & Uncles and Cousins! I have had a good life, even though I have faced a lot of adversity, I wouldn't change a thing. God has allowed me to write about these things and share them with others that may be going through something similar. That is what my music is all about......telling people the good news, that God loves us and wants to be a part of our lives every day.....every minute..... HE has a wonderful life planned for each and every one of us! This is the place that I share thoughts and invite you to share yours as well!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Hello Diane Kay Supporters!

Well it has been a while since I posted a blog here. It is hard to keep up with all the sites and I got distracted on Facebook for quite a while, but got bored with my fish tank. Anyway; 2009 was quite a good year ministry wise and music wise. I started working with Eric on the new album, but it is slow going on the finance end of it. I have written at least 10 or more songs since the release of my first album and recently have been inspired to write some awesome rockin' material!. My son said my new song "I'M NOT DONE" sounds like a Collective Soul song! Hmm, imagine that! I woke up on my birthday morning (Jan 14) and started writing the lyrics with a chord progression in my head and then finished it the next morning! Ever year on my birthday, I reflect on what I have accomplished for Gods Kingdom. I woke up thinking to myself "Hmm, I am still here, I am alive; I guess I am not done yet!" Then later that night my son took me to a concert in Atlanta where several bands were opening up for "Smile Empty Soul" . We were talking to some of the members of this one band that I liked "FLIRTING WITH FIRST" and Ross Childress (former lead guitarist for Collective Soul) was there and Geoffrey told him it was my birthday. So, Ross told me "Happy Birthday", shook my hand and gave me his autograph. Of course with this ministry always on my mind, I told him what we do and he thought it was cool!

I prayed for God to clarify our mission and with great excitement, we know that we are called to serve God at the Youth Detention Centers in the Metro Atlanta Area. We have had a great response from the inmates at every center and the staff really appreciates anyone who comes to share their talents, ministry or just love and care with them! So, we are currently booked up to June for the surrounding counties and I am still working on the schedule. I can't even describe the awesomeness of sharing my music with these young adults; reaching out to them; sharing my hope and love in Jesus Christ!

We are also going to be available for other public live concerts this year and hope to raise some money for this ministry! Anyone that is interested in booking us for that kind of opportunity- WE ARE PRAYING FOR THAT!

God Bless You!
Diane Kay

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