About Me

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Some people say I am a very intense person at times. I feel very strongly about saving the lives of the unborn and witnessing to the youth. I have been writing songs since I was 12. God began filling my heart with songs since 2000 and I have been writing and sharing these songs of faith, hope and love with others ever since. I am very family oriented and have been blessed with 5 siblings, 2 children, 2 grandchildren, 4 Nephews, 3 Nieces and lots of Aunts & Uncles and Cousins! I have had a good life, even though I have faced a lot of adversity, I wouldn't change a thing. God has allowed me to write about these things and share them with others that may be going through something similar. That is what my music is all about......telling people the good news, that God loves us and wants to be a part of our lives every day.....every minute..... HE has a wonderful life planned for each and every one of us! This is the place that I share thoughts and invite you to share yours as well!

Monday, September 30, 2013

"Did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to go?...."

"Did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to go, and then you had the feeling that you wanted to stay"

There are some days that I wish I could just go to Heaven to be with Jesus,and leave this crazy world. You ever feel like that? The thought of no pain or suffering or crying is very appealing. Much, much more important than anything else is being in the presence of One so beautiful and wondrous that human words can't really describe. That pretty much overwrites everything for me! But honestly, there is a part of me that doesn't want to leave my kids, grand-kids, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends and ministry partners and there are still so many to minister to. I am sure that you can relate to that. This can be such an inner struggle for any Christian....Thus creating the dilemma " I go....I stay"...

As I sit here and type this blog today, I'm taken back to a time in my life when I wrote this song, "Hold On, My Heart". It is about the desire to be with Jesus and surrounded by His glory but also wanting to be with family, friends, and other loved ones and the places we love to be. That's why the Jimmy Durante song popped into my mind while thinking about the one I wrote.One of my very favorite places on earth is the Ocean in the Gulf.  It is a place I like to go when I need a physical refuge. This video was created to reflect God's beauty and the love I have for my Savior. So, until it is time for me to go and be with my Savior and leave this world..........I will "Hold On To My Heart"......

 Diane Kay- Hold On My Heart Video (Click Here)

 I hope you enjoy this video and please share with whomever you feel lead to.

Please feel free to DOWNLOAD this months FAN EXCLUSIVE:

Have a Blessed Day......
Diane Kay
Romans 8:28
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