About Me

- Diane Kay
- Some people say I am a very intense person at times. I feel very strongly about saving the lives of the unborn and witnessing to the youth. I have been writing songs since I was 12. God began filling my heart with songs since 2000 and I have been writing and sharing these songs of faith, hope and love with others ever since. I am very family oriented and have been blessed with 5 siblings, 2 children, 2 grandchildren, 4 Nephews, 3 Nieces and lots of Aunts & Uncles and Cousins! I have had a good life, even though I have faced a lot of adversity, I wouldn't change a thing. God has allowed me to write about these things and share them with others that may be going through something similar. That is what my music is all about......telling people the good news, that God loves us and wants to be a part of our lives every day.....every minute..... HE has a wonderful life planned for each and every one of us! This is the place that I share thoughts and invite you to share yours as well!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
"Did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to go?...."
"Did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to go, and then you had the feeling that you wanted to stay"
As I sit here and type this blog today, I'm taken back to a time in my life when I wrote this song, "Hold On, My Heart". It is about the desire to be with Jesus and surrounded by His glory but also wanting to be with family, friends, and other loved ones and the places we love to be. That's why the Jimmy Durante song popped into my mind while thinking about the one I wrote.One of my very favorite places on earth is the Ocean in the Gulf. It is a place I like to go when I need a physical refuge. This video was created to reflect God's beauty and the love I have for my Savior. So, until it is time for me to go and be with my Savior and leave this world..........I will "Hold On To My Heart"......
Diane Kay- Hold On My Heart Video (Click Here)
I hope you enjoy this video and please share with whomever you feel lead to.
Please feel free to DOWNLOAD this months FAN EXCLUSIVE:
I hope you enjoy this video and please share with whomever you feel lead to.
Please feel free to DOWNLOAD this months FAN EXCLUSIVE:
Have a Blessed Day......
Diane Kay
Romans 8:28
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Jeremiah 6:16
King James Version (KJV)
16 Thus saith the Lord,
Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the
good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But
they said, We will not walk therein.
Well, This month's blog post is a little late. I recently sold my house and moved.... Wow! That was some ordeal. Leaving a long time home and going to a new place is scary, to say the least. It was sad leaving my home and it's going to take a while to get used to the new place. But, it was TIME.
In the hustle and bustle of a busy world with all of our family and friends lives, as well as our own life, things can get pretty hectic. Before we know it, there is so much going on around us, that we can get overwhelmed and lose our focus, our perspective and........our "purpose", what God has called us to do.
This is something I am very familiar with as these past couple of years, with all the things going on in and around me, I have been "detoured". It's not a good feeling and is very unsettling. But it's not something that is so profound that it notice it right away. It's something that gradually happened, and I let it.
It seems as though it were just yesterday that God called me to share the songs He has given to me with others. I did my part and not only had a CD Produced and released, but gathered others who had been called in the music ministry to help me minister on a local basis to Pro Life Organizations, Adoption Centers and the Youth Detention Centers. It was a great Ministry and a great group of people. Everything was going great....until......
Everything was torn apart, starting with my own personal life. The enemy has a way of coming in and "spoiling" everything. One target is hit and then it ricochets all over the place, hitting everything in it's path. No matter how hard I tried to keep it all together, it didn't. I couldn't. Betrayal is one of the WORST things that can happen to someone. It can rip trust right out from depths of your soul. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it out "alive" so to speak. I went from a peaceful, loving, exciting and joyful time in my life, so fulfilled in serving God to a place of my own "hell"; at least, that's what it seemed like. Yes, God was with me, He never left me. It was I who let go......
So, here I am. Starting all over again it seems but it's not a bad place. Just me & God and the songs that He gives me and is still giving me. I pray that all is settled for now, the noise has been removed and I can hear Him and where He wants me to go.
Where are You leading me?
Don't know which way to turn.
Looking ahead and not behind me.
Do I walk on ahead,
Or do I just stand still?
I'm confident my faith with find me!
I pray that you are going His way....... Click on The Link Below:
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
"I Gotta Have Faith, I Gotta Have Faith......."
1.Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2.Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
belief - trust - confidence - credence - credit
More info - Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster
Can you SEE it? Can you TOUCH it?
Faith is believing in something or someone or it might be something that you can't see or feel. It's is something deep inside of our souls that is hard to describe to someone who doesn't have it or never experienced it. You can have faith in yourself, your kids, your parents, a cause or personal beliefs.
Faith in God, however is much more than just having faith. God is most powerful, ever-knowing, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. To have faith in God requires a selflessness on our part as well as acceptance of the outcome. It requires complete trust, submission and humbleness. Faith in God doesn't mean that you get what you want. You get what GOD wants and if they are one in the same, then even better.
God knows me better than anyone. period. He knows me better than I know myself. period. When I put my faith in God for something that I think I need or I think I want, I know that the outcome will be what God wants. Not me or anyone else. Why? Because He knows what is best for me. I may not always get what I want; even better, I get what is BEST. And it is "GODS BEST."
Sometimes, He answer my prayers, but it may not be exactly what I had imagined in my head. It always works out for the BEST.
Sometimes, He doesn't answer for a long, long time........but when He does "Bam! His timing is always perfect"! He knows WHAT is best and WHEN. Those situations are a real test of faith and patience.
Sometimes, He answers just as I prayed and well, that is just great!
For a while I have been in a situation that truly, only God could help me out of and bring me through. I prayed to Him that only HE could help me and I had faith HE would! I mean it was coming down to the eleventh hour!!! God is so awesome and He continually shows me how awesome He is!
When we truly love someone and we see them struggling, unhappy and frustrated with life, we want the "best" for them. We open our hearts and lift them up to the only One who can really help them. We ask God to bless their life, meet their needs and give them abundant love and fill their hearts with joy. We even pray these things knowing in the back of our minds that it is possible, that we may not be what is "best for them" and God places them somewhere else or with someone else and we may lose that person. As devastating as it may seem, we just have to trust God, accept His will and know that He will send His Holy Spirit to comfort us and give us peace . Be thankful that God blessed us with that person, even if it was for a short time. When we truly love someone, we should always put them first, even if it hurts. Sometimes, it really hurts...........
So when I pray, I pray to God and have FAITH that the outcome will ALWAYS BE BEST, no matter what. I may be overwhelmed with joy or sadness, but after time has passed, I "get it" and say to myself " Ah hah! so that's why............"
This month, my FAN EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD is "There's A Rainbow", a song about FAITH; Please listen and share it with others who may need some encouragement.Just click on the title below:
1.Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2.Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
belief - trust - confidence - credence - credit
More info - Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster
Faith......what is it? And more than that, what is Faith in God?
Can you SEE it? Can you TOUCH it?
Faith is believing in something or someone or it might be something that you can't see or feel. It's is something deep inside of our souls that is hard to describe to someone who doesn't have it or never experienced it. You can have faith in yourself, your kids, your parents, a cause or personal beliefs.
Faith in God, however is much more than just having faith. God is most powerful, ever-knowing, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. To have faith in God requires a selflessness on our part as well as acceptance of the outcome. It requires complete trust, submission and humbleness. Faith in God doesn't mean that you get what you want. You get what GOD wants and if they are one in the same, then even better.
God knows me better than anyone. period. He knows me better than I know myself. period. When I put my faith in God for something that I think I need or I think I want, I know that the outcome will be what God wants. Not me or anyone else. Why? Because He knows what is best for me. I may not always get what I want; even better, I get what is BEST. And it is "GODS BEST."
Sometimes, He answer my prayers, but it may not be exactly what I had imagined in my head. It always works out for the BEST.
Sometimes, He doesn't answer for a long, long time........but when He does "Bam! His timing is always perfect"! He knows WHAT is best and WHEN. Those situations are a real test of faith and patience.
Sometimes, He answers just as I prayed and well, that is just great!
For a while I have been in a situation that truly, only God could help me out of and bring me through. I prayed to Him that only HE could help me and I had faith HE would! I mean it was coming down to the eleventh hour!!! God is so awesome and He continually shows me how awesome He is!
When we truly love someone and we see them struggling, unhappy and frustrated with life, we want the "best" for them. We open our hearts and lift them up to the only One who can really help them. We ask God to bless their life, meet their needs and give them abundant love and fill their hearts with joy. We even pray these things knowing in the back of our minds that it is possible, that we may not be what is "best for them" and God places them somewhere else or with someone else and we may lose that person. As devastating as it may seem, we just have to trust God, accept His will and know that He will send His Holy Spirit to comfort us and give us peace . Be thankful that God blessed us with that person, even if it was for a short time. When we truly love someone, we should always put them first, even if it hurts. Sometimes, it really hurts...........
So when I pray, I pray to God and have FAITH that the outcome will ALWAYS BE BEST, no matter what. I may be overwhelmed with joy or sadness, but after time has passed, I "get it" and say to myself " Ah hah! so that's why............"
This month, my FAN EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD is "There's A Rainbow", a song about FAITH; Please listen and share it with others who may need some encouragement.Just click on the title below:
Saturday, June 1, 2013
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN I can't believe it has been that long since......
Sometimes it is easy to support a cause, even if you have not actually experienced it. Sometimes its not as easy as it seems when you get up close and personal. We really don't know what someone is going through unless we have walked in their shoes.
But even though we all want to strive every day to be more like Christ. Lets face it; We are human. We are not perfect (if you are; sorry to disappoint you) . We all make mistakes. We all need forgiveness at some point in our lives. God gave us free will which came with a price and has consequences.
If we were all PERFECT, SINLESS and did not need FORGIVENESS, it would would have all been in vain that Jesus died on the cross........
Right? So, anyway, As I have become wiser with age, I have learned I don't want to judge anyone for whatever he or she may have done that I would consider bad or a sin. I have learned to be against the SIN but not the PERSON.
Can you be compassionate and help someone if you are judging them in your heart?
God is Love. I can't even count on my fingers and toes how many times He has reached down and pulled me out of a fire, tornado, car wrecks, heart failure, illnesses, lost loves, bad choices I have made; the list goes on. I can tell you about each and every one of them, but the one I want to tell you about today is most inspiring and significant.
God is Love. I can't even count on my fingers and toes how many times He has reached down and pulled me out of a fire, tornado, car wrecks, heart failure, illnesses, lost loves, bad choices I have made; the list goes on. I can tell you about each and every one of them, but the one I want to tell you about today is most inspiring and significant.
Thirty years ago (30) I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy named Geoffrey Scott Pendleton. He has my last name because his earthly father didn't want to be a dad. He wanted me to choose something else. Sadly, there were other people in my life that thought the best "solution" was abortion.
This is where the story begins.....
I was so in love and thought we were getting married in the near future at that time. I was 19 years old, had a career, my own apartment, was in a rock band and just starting out in life. I will never forget what he said to me before he walked out the door. Even though I was young and naive, I knew I had lost him no matter what I chose to do.
I knew that I had made a mistake; pregnant and not married. I was ashamed, but it didn't stop me from going to the only One who could help me.
I got on my knees and prayed and prayed till day met night tll it met day again. As I prayed I could sense good and evil battling it out around me. I spontaneously called one of my sisters who prayed with me on the phone........Then, The Divine One, surrounded me with His Holy Spirit, put His arms around me and told me "not to be afraid that in my heart I knew what to do and that He would be with me". ...... I felt so much love I know I had to be radiating some heavenly sparkles and rainbows.
God saw my remorse......
God saw my repentance.....
God saw my despair....
It was at that moment I felt complete peace, comfort and resolve...........and such awesome strength! I felt I could conquer the whole world and was ready and armed to stand up to anyone who was against me.
God had me in His hand
God had my son's life in His hand
Please listen to a Song that took me 23 Years to Write:
Thank you for letting me share my life with you!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers Day, Mom! I Miss You
Well today is Mothers Day. Happy Mother's Day to my Mom, Nora Pendleton. Sometimes, this ends up being a sad day for me, just for a little while. My mother, Nora (her nick name was "Babe"), she died in 1991. It was an unexpected death. She had gallbladder cancer and by the time they found it; it was too late. I know, we all think our parents will live forever, and in most cases are shocked when they don't.
My mother was a wonderful woman, though there were times we fought and I disliked her; looking back SHE may have felt the same way. But one thing I do know is that she really knew me and understood me. I also know, that I was a handful!
My Mom was a mother to 6 children. I was number 5 for 11 years and then came number 6; when my mom was 40 years old!!! Our house was always immaculate, decorated tastefully and was warm. My mom made every holiday an event. She would get all dressed up and fix her hair and cook everyone's favorite things, decorate the house; I mean she would go all out! For our birthdays, she would cook our favorite dinner and make our favorite cake. (A tradition I do with my kids).
My mom was an artist. Yes, she could really draw well. She used to draw pics for me when I was little. She could also sing very well, but never really sang in front of people. But I can remember what her voice sounded like; I could hear her sing while she was doing housework. My mom was very creative. She was a great cook and could sew and boy......SHE COULD DANCE!!!!!
My mom used to smile and laugh at me when I would dance around like a ballerina or put on her shoes and sing to "These Boots Were Made For Walking". She attended every singing competition, every band competition and every chorus event and sat quietly on the sidelines. She, unlike my father, never discouraged me from pursuing my dreams relating to music. The only thing she ever opposed is when I told her I wanted to be a cop! lol There were many Mothers Days I didn't have the money to buy her anything, so I would write her poems. I also remember that SHE was there on the very front pew the day (Jan 14, 1973) I was Baptised; I can still see her sitting there; understanding what that day meant. Even though my dad opposed it; she stood by my side and was happily there. I guess the years leading up to that, she must have heard me talking to Jesus in my room...............
I was only 28 when she died. My son Geoffrey was 8 and my daughter Danielle was only 3. I was still a young mother and I still needed her to help me. I think about all the things she has missed or rather I have missed her being a part of. The kids graduating, the kids gettng married and her great grandchildren. I know she would just adore Haley and Meralee. I know that she would just love Erin, Geoffreys wife! Thinking about this right now, is making me cry.
I want to believe that she is watching from heaven above; I know that it is biblically contradictive, but its what I want to believe. I also want to believe that she is proud of me for what I have done with my life and I hope she knows that I appreciate all of her support she gave me, not with her words, but with her actions.
But it has been a struggle for the past 22 years, not having her here. Not sitting on the back deck with her, drinking iced tea and talking. Not being able to call her when I was scared. Not being able to share my children and grandchildren with her and see her smile with joy of being with them. To see what my children have done with their lives. I give my mother the credit for that, she showed me, how much a mother's encouragment means to a child. I have given that to my children.
Thank you mom, I love you and miss so you so mch
My mother was a wonderful woman, though there were times we fought and I disliked her; looking back SHE may have felt the same way. But one thing I do know is that she really knew me and understood me. I also know, that I was a handful!
My Mom was a mother to 6 children. I was number 5 for 11 years and then came number 6; when my mom was 40 years old!!! Our house was always immaculate, decorated tastefully and was warm. My mom made every holiday an event. She would get all dressed up and fix her hair and cook everyone's favorite things, decorate the house; I mean she would go all out! For our birthdays, she would cook our favorite dinner and make our favorite cake. (A tradition I do with my kids).
My mom was an artist. Yes, she could really draw well. She used to draw pics for me when I was little. She could also sing very well, but never really sang in front of people. But I can remember what her voice sounded like; I could hear her sing while she was doing housework. My mom was very creative. She was a great cook and could sew and boy......SHE COULD DANCE!!!!!
My mom used to smile and laugh at me when I would dance around like a ballerina or put on her shoes and sing to "These Boots Were Made For Walking". She attended every singing competition, every band competition and every chorus event and sat quietly on the sidelines. She, unlike my father, never discouraged me from pursuing my dreams relating to music. The only thing she ever opposed is when I told her I wanted to be a cop! lol There were many Mothers Days I didn't have the money to buy her anything, so I would write her poems. I also remember that SHE was there on the very front pew the day (Jan 14, 1973) I was Baptised; I can still see her sitting there; understanding what that day meant. Even though my dad opposed it; she stood by my side and was happily there. I guess the years leading up to that, she must have heard me talking to Jesus in my room...............
I was only 28 when she died. My son Geoffrey was 8 and my daughter Danielle was only 3. I was still a young mother and I still needed her to help me. I think about all the things she has missed or rather I have missed her being a part of. The kids graduating, the kids gettng married and her great grandchildren. I know she would just adore Haley and Meralee. I know that she would just love Erin, Geoffreys wife! Thinking about this right now, is making me cry.
I want to believe that she is watching from heaven above; I know that it is biblically contradictive, but its what I want to believe. I also want to believe that she is proud of me for what I have done with my life and I hope she knows that I appreciate all of her support she gave me, not with her words, but with her actions.
But it has been a struggle for the past 22 years, not having her here. Not sitting on the back deck with her, drinking iced tea and talking. Not being able to call her when I was scared. Not being able to share my children and grandchildren with her and see her smile with joy of being with them. To see what my children have done with their lives. I give my mother the credit for that, she showed me, how much a mother's encouragment means to a child. I have given that to my children.
Thank you mom, I love you and miss so you so mch
Friday, April 12, 2013
This months FREE DOWNLOAD on my Reverbnation site is "Who You Are To Me" . This song was written back in the fall of 2003. I was on a business trip in North Carolina and I drove home down 74 through the Nantahala National Forest. As I drove through the mountains, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful and peaceful it was; How beautiful God had created this place. Then I started thinking about other places that are beautiful, like the ocean and the sunsets and the birds and the stars. Then I started thinking about all the people in my life that are dear to me. Then I realized that God himself, is all these things to me......
Words & Music Written By Diane Kay-2003
Like the love for my dearest brother
And the closeness of my best friend
The beauty of the sun that is setting
On the ocean at the days end
The joyful song that the birds are singing
In the morning when I rise
The brightest star shining down from heaven
And the twinkling in my eyes
That’s who You are to me,
All around I see Your beauty
Only Your love is greater you see,
Than the peace and joy that loving You brings
Cause that’s who You are to me
I hear You call, I feel Your presence,
I see your hand in my life every day
You take my hand and You gently lead me,
If I start to lose my way
You are the song, written in my heart,
Sweet melody that never ends
Each note and chord plays a sweet hymn,
About my Savior and my Friend
That’s who You are to me,
All around I see Your beauty
Only Your love is greater you see,
Than the peace and joy that loving You brings
That’s who You are to me
That’s who You are to me
That’s who You are to me
That’s who You are to me
Words & Music Written By Diane Kay-2003
Like the love for my dearest brother
And the closeness of my best friend
The beauty of the sun that is setting
On the ocean at the days end
The joyful song that the birds are singing
In the morning when I rise
The brightest star shining down from heaven
And the twinkling in my eyes
That’s who You are to me,
All around I see Your beauty
Only Your love is greater you see,
Than the peace and joy that loving You brings
Cause that’s who You are to me
I hear You call, I feel Your presence,
I see your hand in my life every day
You take my hand and You gently lead me,
If I start to lose my way
You are the song, written in my heart,
Sweet melody that never ends
Each note and chord plays a sweet hymn,
About my Savior and my Friend
That’s who You are to me,
All around I see Your beauty
Only Your love is greater you see,
Than the peace and joy that loving You brings
That’s who You are to me
That’s who You are to me
That’s who You are to me
That’s who You are to me
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Well, after 3 years and a couple of price reductions, I received an offer on my house and I accepted it. It is interesting that a chain of events have occurred just in the past couple of months that lead to the offer. I am paying attention and watching God work.
Back in 2010, I felt that God told me to sell my house and move to Franklin, TN. That is where Darkhorse Recordings is and also near Creative Soul Records is. It is also a place where a lot of people like me are; Christian Songwriters.
So, here it is , April 3, 2013 and the sale is closing in a little over a month. Where am I moving to? Does God still want me to go to Franklin?
I have prayed and God knows who to tell for confirmation. I love it when I see God move in a conspicuous way.
Back in 2010, I felt that God told me to sell my house and move to Franklin, TN. That is where Darkhorse Recordings is and also near Creative Soul Records is. It is also a place where a lot of people like me are; Christian Songwriters.
So, here it is , April 3, 2013 and the sale is closing in a little over a month. Where am I moving to? Does God still want me to go to Franklin?
I have prayed and God knows who to tell for confirmation. I love it when I see God move in a conspicuous way.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Who is God to Me?
This past week I was given a songwriting challenge to write a song about who God is to me without using the names such as God, Jesus, cross or any specific relation to that. I wrote a song similar back in 2002, "Who You Are To Me" that is on my Help Me Decide album. It's a song about who God is to me describing Him with all the beautiful things in my life that surrounds me.
I have been in the "valley" for a while now and so I started thinking about the valleys and storms in my life and how Gods presence in those times appears to me which lead me to this:
"He's my rainbows
When the storm blows,
He's always knows
The colors I need to see;
In my valleys
He sends Lillie's
Completely surrounds me
With such awesome beauty;
Ohh, He's my Rainbows and Lillie's "
These past two weeks, I've really needed some comfort and protection. God sent it to me with family and friends.....
And a special friend.....
Today, especially was a sky full of rainbows and a field of Lillie's !
Thank You God for sending rainbows & Lillie's !
I have been in the "valley" for a while now and so I started thinking about the valleys and storms in my life and how Gods presence in those times appears to me which lead me to this:
"He's my rainbows
When the storm blows,
He's always knows
The colors I need to see;
In my valleys
He sends Lillie's
Completely surrounds me
With such awesome beauty;
Ohh, He's my Rainbows and Lillie's "
These past two weeks, I've really needed some comfort and protection. God sent it to me with family and friends.....
And a special friend.....
Today, especially was a sky full of rainbows and a field of Lillie's !
Thank You God for sending rainbows & Lillie's !
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
What Goes Up Must Come Down....,.,
Sometimes I feel my life is like a roller coaster. And I like roller coasters. The anticipation experienced climbing up that first hill that leads to the unknown. All the emotions just enveloping .....from Fear to joy and ending in complete satisfaction.
Some people like merry go rounds and ferris wheels; but they just go round and round in the same place. I immediately get off of those if I have accidentally got on one. It happens if I'm not paying attention.
Lately my life has been a combination of both. The roller coaster is like being " on the mountaintop" and the merry go round is " being in the valley".
It would be nice if we could all stay on the mountaintop. But after a while, we begin to lose appreciation for it and have to go back down to the valley for a while so we can have a reason to look up.
Some people like merry go rounds and ferris wheels; but they just go round and round in the same place. I immediately get off of those if I have accidentally got on one. It happens if I'm not paying attention.
Lately my life has been a combination of both. The roller coaster is like being " on the mountaintop" and the merry go round is " being in the valley".
It would be nice if we could all stay on the mountaintop. But after a while, we begin to lose appreciation for it and have to go back down to the valley for a while so we can have a reason to look up.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
So, What Is Really The Truth in a Country of Contradiction?
" We the People of
the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish
Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution
for the United States of America".
With every day that passes by, I see more and more that things have changed in this country, even since I was little. Back in the old days, it seems that people had more integrity and that a person's own character was very important to them.
Now, there is so much confusion with so many lies that are "put out there". The internet, cable, cell phones, texting, twittering, posting, facebook, myspace, talking about protests and rally rally's, from people that are Non-Christian, Christian, Religions of all kinds, Illegals, Racists, Legals, Pro-This and Pro- That and Anti-This and Anti-That; "I have the right", "you don't have the right"........"you have to give me this" "you can't take this away from me" ..........FOX, CNN, GOOGLE, SNOPES....fighting, bickering,...it just ALL TOO MUCH and if one listens to it all and soaks it in.......blood pressures go up and depression can set in..........WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH? I want to run off to some secluded place where it is peaceful and shut the world out.
When I look at everything as a whole, I feel that I live in a country that has just gone completely hay-wire and out of control. Some people get "rights" and "privileges" confused.
We are electing a President based on what??? Who is the BETTER SALESMAN?
We care more about animals that are being mistreated MORE than we do about the thousands of unborn children who are killed in their own mother's womb?
We care more about what is happening in Tom Cruise's life than we do about our neighbors?
We care more about the Separation of Church and State without even knowing what the REAL meaning of that is?
We care more about what is going on in other countries instead of our own and go into debt giving them money?
We care more about the "political correctness" of Religious Freedom that we put lives in danger on many levels?
We care more about being politically correct and allowing the possibility of the definition of and sanctity of "marriage" , that was Created by God, to be redefined?
Now here we are.....a nation feeling threatened that own own civil liberties will be taken away from us; is it true? Or is it just more lies? Bit by bit, without realizing it, this country that held so many beliefs sacred have already sacrificed many of them. It doesn't feel like "One Nation Under God" anymore. I am certain, that in the minds and hearts of our Founding Fathers, who were of scrupulous character and integrity, would have never thought that things would evolve as they have in this country. They had a very good teacher for their morals.......God and the Bible. The only thing in my life I know is never changing. I ponder from time to time; would we have morals if God did not exist?
Maybe our Founding Fathers knew something divine.....after all we do have The Constitution and The Bill of Rights...I believe it begins........."We The People.........
Every American should take time to read it:
Transcript of The Constitution
Transcript of The Bill of Rights
With every day that passes by, I see more and more that things have changed in this country, even since I was little. Back in the old days, it seems that people had more integrity and that a person's own character was very important to them.
Now, there is so much confusion with so many lies that are "put out there". The internet, cable, cell phones, texting, twittering, posting, facebook, myspace, talking about protests and rally rally's, from people that are Non-Christian, Christian, Religions of all kinds, Illegals, Racists, Legals, Pro-This and Pro- That and Anti-This and Anti-That; "I have the right", "you don't have the right"........"you have to give me this" "you can't take this away from me" ..........FOX, CNN, GOOGLE, SNOPES....fighting, bickering,...it just ALL TOO MUCH and if one listens to it all and soaks it in.......blood pressures go up and depression can set in..........WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH? I want to run off to some secluded place where it is peaceful and shut the world out.
When I look at everything as a whole, I feel that I live in a country that has just gone completely hay-wire and out of control. Some people get "rights" and "privileges" confused.
We are electing a President based on what??? Who is the BETTER SALESMAN?
We care more about animals that are being mistreated MORE than we do about the thousands of unborn children who are killed in their own mother's womb?
We care more about what is happening in Tom Cruise's life than we do about our neighbors?
We care more about the Separation of Church and State without even knowing what the REAL meaning of that is?
We care more about what is going on in other countries instead of our own and go into debt giving them money?
We care more about the "political correctness" of Religious Freedom that we put lives in danger on many levels?
We care more about being politically correct and allowing the possibility of the definition of and sanctity of "marriage" , that was Created by God, to be redefined?
Now here we are.....a nation feeling threatened that own own civil liberties will be taken away from us; is it true? Or is it just more lies? Bit by bit, without realizing it, this country that held so many beliefs sacred have already sacrificed many of them. It doesn't feel like "One Nation Under God" anymore. I am certain, that in the minds and hearts of our Founding Fathers, who were of scrupulous character and integrity, would have never thought that things would evolve as they have in this country. They had a very good teacher for their morals.......God and the Bible. The only thing in my life I know is never changing. I ponder from time to time; would we have morals if God did not exist?
Maybe our Founding Fathers knew something divine.....after all we do have The Constitution and The Bill of Rights...I believe it begins........."We The People.........
Every American should take time to read it:
Transcript of The Constitution
Transcript of The Bill of Rights
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Where has the time gone????
Well, it has apparently been almost 2 years since my last post. A LOT has happened in the past 2 years......trying to sell house.....wanting to relocate....my daughter had a baby...yes and she is adorable.......son is engaged....new friends....old friends......high school reunions....family reunions...work......love....friends weddings....but thankfully, no funerals!
But amidst all of these events, the song writing has continued! I have probably written a dozen songs since the last update.
The band as a ministry has dispersed for I thought I would sell my house quickly and move to Nashville.........NOT!I am still working on my sophomore album and writing some new country music as well!
I have been focused a lot on selling this house, work and just trying to figure out what I am suppose to be doing. I am still active in the Pro Life Ministry and have continued to participate in leading the music for the Services and retreats for the women of the Post Abortion Program. I have been working on a new song that I believe will be perfect for these services.....
I have been doing some recording these past couple of days at home. My daughter gave me a very nice condenser microphone for Christmas and it is really good. I use the avast program on my computer.
I have also created 2 new videos that are accompanied by songs from my Help Me Decide Album; check them out on my youtube link at the top of my page under my photo.
There is a lot going on in this country......another topic...
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